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frankie press

frankie issue 78

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Have you said hello to issue 78? If we do say so ourselves, it’s a pretty good read. Inside we talk to some comedians about the ways they’re using humour to better the world (and make us wee our pants a little); a pair of ladies making the most of our unshakeable coffee addiction; a scientist who devotes his days to helping fruit flies mate; and a water ballet troupe talking periods with a splash. Aside from that, you’ll find a rather large collection of teeny-tiny plates; a handy history of Australian schooling (sour milk, canes and Healthy Harold included); a nifty list of sports for the non-sporty among us; and a road test of chocolates from around the globe. Did we mention snuggly knits for winter? Or an interview with bloody DEBBIE HARRY herself? Plus, there’s all the usual art, craft, travel, rants and design goodness. Perfect for a chilly day spent huddled inside a doona cocoon.

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